Sep 19, 2008

First Meeting Report

The first meeting of ICSRG was held on 18 September 2008. After introducing the goals, rules and current activities of ICSRG, members discussed about future trend of the group.
Brief outcomes of the meeting are:
1- Because of having some members in different countries, so ICSRG's activities should be extended by Internet utilities.

2- ICSRG is divided into six departments:
MM: MultiMedia (Image/speech processing)
AIML: Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning
DKMM: Database/Knowledge Management/ Data Mining/ Web Mining/Data Security
SEIS: Software Engineering/ Information System
NET: Network/ Distributed System/ Quantum Computing
HEHC: Hardware Engineering/High-performance Computing

3- We are going to publish news letters.

4- We will provide some useful information by adding Open Question in our weblog and Yahoo group.

You can access presentation file via

Your comments about our future trend are welcomed.
With information ICSRG shares

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